Because my thriller falls under the sub-genre of crime/action thriller, my film will appeal more to my target demographic (according to my research action is more popular than thriller within my target demographic) because of its fight scene. Also, the mise-en-scene will enable the viewers to assume stereotypes of certain fashions for example Toms shoes making him appear 'skater/emo' style which suggests that he may be detached from society and almost rebelious. Furthermore, the way that the characters speak in my film is almost slang as George says 'have you got it?' more like 'you got it?'and he says this almost as one word which implies that Tom already knows his intentions and that both of them are of a lower intalect than my target demographic. Because of this, the viewer will either feel superiour and therefore more comfortable with relating themselves to the situation in the film but at the same time the slang makes the film very real and some viewers may relate directly to similar situations and language use making the use of dialogue in my film important.
In creation of the soundtrack for our thriller we originally decided to have sad, soft piano music to add emotion to the film. However, we researched our target demographic and decided that we should have a soundtrack of a musical genre that would suit the date and target audience more. I chose to have a 'rock' style soundtrack which I composed myself with the help of my brother and friend Patrick Ball who played bass guitar and drums (me having played electric guitar). we taylored this piece to fit with the film and to change part/mood/atmosphere at specific points that I thought would work well in portraying a changing mood in the film. This makes the film much more appealing to the audience I am targeting with this film.
The opening shots of Tom, after the shots of the road are also key to attracting the viewer on an emotional level. These shots of Tom make the viewer feel sympathetic towards This creates a sad atmosphere throughout the rest of the film which increases the dramatic fight scene and this makes the viewer relate to Tom on a more emotional level.
Good - but again you haven't mentioned the opening shot of the film which I feel is great and appealing in that it sets a mood and references other texts.